Andrew's Writing Blog

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

TWE: 144. Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

If I would have to choose a residence between a traditional house and a modern apartment building, no doubt I would choose the latter. The reasons I prefer a modern apartment are its state-of-the-art design and its advanced facilities. I will give specific details in the following paragraphs.

First of all, a modern apartment often demonstrates the the value of the modern society in its design. I always like the modern style of things. I remember when I went to the World Exposition (EXPO) in Aichi, Japan, in 2005, its innovative building design immediately attracted me. Those modern buildings are designed with the newest technology and scientific breakthrough. At that moment, I told myself, I would want to live in a place that is designed like this. A modern style of architecture and its innovative interior design make me feel energetic. I would feel I am young and alive to live in a modern apartment.

The second reason I like a modern apartment is that it offers advanced facilities that make our lives more convenient. Those advanced facilities, for example, enable us to be more connected to the modern society by offering internet access, cable TV, and so on. A modern apartment is also equiped with the sewerage, gas, and heating system that makes our lives easier. In many cases, a modern apartment even provides us with safety by offering the best building material and innovative design that can prevent the damage from natural disastors, such as earthquake, hurricane or flood. In other word, a modern apartment is designed to fulfill the need of people nowadays.

In sum, I prefer to live in a modern apartment because it has the avant-garde design and advanced facilities. I would feel more comfortable to live in such a building and I would feel more like a citizen of this modern world.


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