Andrew's Writing Blog

Friday, October 21, 2005

Think of the most interesting class you have ever taken. Why did you enjoy this class so much? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
25 minutes:

Have you ever felt that you were thrown down to the abyss of sorrow and then immediately lifted to greatest joy in a class? I felt like i was taking a roller coaster and experienced all the ups and downs in life. It was a course recommended by my friend a few years ago. I still thank him for his wise suggestion even after so long. This class, called "the Power of Change" is certainly the most interesting class i have ever taken.

The reason I find it interesting is its experienced-sytle course design. Instead of simply lecturing, the class involves lots of activities that allow me to experience something important in my life and to get the self-awareness. Through the activities, i am able to meditate, ponder, and reflect myself, and then further discover the important aspect of my life. In the past, I was too busy to really give myself any space to do that.

The second reason is that it helps stimulate my potential to the extreme. Through the outsdoor activities such as rock climbing, team cooperation to solve some physical problems, brainstorming...etc, I know that everything is possible as long as you are serious about it. The activities the class offers require participants to face their own fear and overcome it. I never knew i could accomplish a "mission impossible" until I took part in this class.

The last reason, but not the least, that i enjoy this class is that it demands us to take part in a public service after class. I was relunctant to do it at first because i was so busy with my own work and family. However, when i finally did the service, i started to slow my pace and to look around my life. There are so many in need and i am the lucky one who can give but not to take. I learned how to give, to share and to help those helpless.

This one-month class is short but meaningful in my life. There are tears, joy, fears, excitments ....etc, that we all experience in our life. However, the class allows me to experience all of them just in one month, and it really helps me with my further career development. It was the most interesting class i have ever taken.


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