Andrew's Writing Blog

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers.
Who teach you the most? If I get tons of responses, I believe "parents" must not be the only answers. Everyone would hold different views that vary with his distinctive background. In most situations, parents are expected to be best teachers in our lives. However, my own experience and some exceptional cases suggest that parents are not necessarily the best teachers.

The first reason for my view is that parents may not be good examples to children. Consider those whose parents are slackers, gamblers or even criminals. Parents such as those are more likely to influence their children in a negative way. What can we expect them to be good teachers? Not to mention the “best teachers”! Take my own case to illustrate, I do not think my parents are my best teachers. This is not to say that they didn't teach me anything. However, I consider the one who influenced me the most as the teacher who taught me at elementary school. Concerning that my parents are poor-educated and didn’t really know how to teach and understand their children, the teacher instead showed me the way to help myself and to be a good kid.

In addition, whether one is seen as a best teacher really depends on individual perception. For example, a devoted Christian might deem The Almighty as his best teacher; for an obedient athlete, his best teacher could be the coach or his team players; an excellent scientist can learn the most from his professor at college. My cousin, a prodigal son, once told me his best teacher is a church preacher who led him to the right way. Indeed, one can view anyone as his best teacher: someone who inspire him, who encourage him, or even who help him.

In sum, although parents are supposed to teach their children well, parents might not. On the other hand, since everyone holds different opinions, it is too arbitrary to generalize that “parents are the best teachers”. /


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